(Affiliated to Sant Gahira Guru Vishwavidyalaya Sarguja)
Ambikapur - 497001, Distt. - Surguja (Chhattisgarh)
Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)
Code of Conduct : Teaching Staff
Teachers are expected to instill in themselves: Professionalism, Honesty, Integrity and Credibility as the essential core values in their commitment.
The teacher should always be dutiful and efficient. She/he should not do any such work which is indecent for her/him.
The teacher should not indulge in any criminal activities. If she/he has been punished by the court in such cases, then she/he should inform to the principal/management of the college.
The teacher should maintain political neutrality.
The teacher should maintain courtesy to her/his peers and seniors as well as to the students.
The teacher should not treat untouchability and discriminate in any way.
The teacher should not take part in any demonstration which would affect the dignity, order, decency/decorum or morality of the Institute.
The teacher should not be rude, dishonest and biased.
The teacher should not consume any drugs and should stay away from any kind of addictions. Smoking in college campus will be considered as indecent behavior.
The teacher should not publish or write any letter or article in newspapers or magazines other than those related to research work in her/his own name.
The teachers should come in decent dress during the working hours in the college campus.
Staff must be punctual, sincere and regular in approach.
Take prior permission for taking any type of leave except in case of emergency.
Staff must attend all the functions of the college as per the instructions of head of the Institute / coordinators and incharges of programme / head of respective departments.
Abide by the rules and regulations of the Institution.
Collaborate with fellow teachers/staff.
It is mandatory for all teaching staff to mark Biometric attendance and sign on the register both times (duty on and duty off) and be present on duty on or before 7:55 am.
No staff should leave the college/office during the duty hours without prior permission from the head of the Institute.
It is mandatory for all staff to be regular and punctual in taking class as per time table provided.
Teachers are expected not to use the mobile phones in the examination hall, in the class room and at meetings.
The teacher should make monthly division of the entire annual syllabus and distribute it to the students on the first date of each month and also disclose the method of teaching and maintain the record.
Teachers should adopt (Innovative Method on Teaching), so that students can easily grasp the content of the text.
The teacher should make use of every opportunity available to strive towards academic excellence, skill and holistic development.
The teacher should maintain clarity in the black board method.
By adopting the audio-visual method, the teacher should provide the summary of the text to the students in advance and give detailed information about the text on demand by the student.
The teacher should, if necessary, teach with the use of models in such a way that the content of the text becomes more and more interesting.
The teacher should remove the hesitation and fear in the students by adopting the educational method like Group Discussion, Quiz etc. and should be helpful in her personality development.
Teachers should sort out the slow learners and arrange special tutorials for them and in selecting students with acumen.
Teacher should develop interest in studying through research papers etc.
Every teacher must publish two research papers in the academic year in UGC / any other recognized Journal.
The teacher should get feedback from students and act / adjust the teaching appropriately.
The teacher should motivate the students and bring out the creativity/ originality in the students and should make herself/himself available for doubt clearance.
Maintaining records to manage, monitor, assess and improve students.